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5 Reasons To Get A Dedicated IP For Business

IP stands for Internet Protocol and is defined as an unique address assigned to each computer that connected to a certain network. Having a dedicated IP address means the website has its very own address and you can use either this IP address or the domain name of  your website to access it from the web. A dedicated IP address is exclusively yours. You might choose to serve different sites from that IP address, but you’re ultimately in control of who’s using it. If you are running your own business website then there are many reason to have a dedicated IP for it instead of shared IP. Apart from many we can see following main 5 reasons to get a dedicated IP for your business to grow it in well manner.

Business Identity

If you are making business online and possessing an e-commerce dynamic website then it is suggested that to grab a dedicated IP address and SSL(Secure Socket Layer) certificate for the relevant website for handling payment issues and provide security for your customer’s data. If you are expecting customers to enter their bank account credentials and other personal information for payment concern, you need to offer them security to protect their personal data with an SSL. You must have dedicated IP in order to get SSL certificate for you website. Likewise you can make your business identity by approaching dedicated IP.

Time Flexibility

This is one of the main advantage of dedicated IP. Once you applied a dedicated IP to host your website then it possible to you to access it at anytime. It happens that all of sudden you need to know your website’s position and working details, either it is running properly or not? And to check its look before pointing the domain name to the server and launching your website on world wide web platform. A dedicated IP grants access to your website any time you need along with accessing server directly without changing DNS setting for the domain name.

Enhance Security And Performance

With dedicated hosting you are sure that you are not going to deal with malicious websites and potential spammer. It allocates enhanced security especially important for companies handling sensitive transactions over FTP or SSL. It isolates your service form the abuse consequences where others are at fault. Henceforth you will get a better performance of your website along with utter security.

Low Cost Of Maintenance

Dedicated hosting is a low-cost way to access the resources of a full server. Hosting provider handles the cost of maintaining server equipment, reducing the overhead for a business purchasing server space as well as improve their ROI.

Server Privacy And Flexibility

When you approach for dedicated IP for your business website then it comes with full of resources on single server. You no need to bother about other websites that are clogging up the server’s CPU and RAM and eventually your website could be accessible fastly without any interference and it never slow down the server. It also provide you the facility of customizing the server to the client’s need for CPU, RAM, disk space and software. A Dedicated IP is the best deal if you want this kind of server privacy and flexibility.


If you do not want to deal with the site traffic and want all the customized access for your website through hosting services then dedicated IP is the ever best option for your business website. This article help you to decide why to choose this service and either it is beneficial or not for your business? Hope you got your affirmative answer. If appreciated please share.